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**Pay Rs 15 for Each Practicum
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1. Observe the various age group children in various situations like in the classroom, playground, at home, with parents, friends, siblings and list down the characteristics of them in physical, social, emotional and intellectual domain. (Bengali & English Version)
2. List down different maladjusted behaviours of adolescents which could identify from the classroom and outside classroom. Take interview of a few and try to understand the factors that may be responsible for their behaviour. (Bengali & English Version)
3. Visit a school and find out the different measures/activities taken by school or teachers for healthy mental health of the children by interviewing school teachers. (Bengali & English Version)
4. Observe any one successful teacher and list down the behavioural characteristics which impress you. (Bengali & English Version)
1. Study the impact of Right to Education Act on schools. (Bengali & English Version)
2. Critical Analysis of Different Committees and Commissions on Education. (Bengali Version)
3. Creating awareness among SC/ST students about various schemes and scholarships available to them. (Bengali & English Version)
4. Study Of Educational Process In Private Schools. (Bengali Version)
1. School visit to find out Communication Problem/Apprehension in students. (Bengali & English Version)
2. Designing games and exercises for developing Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing Skills. (Bengali & English Version)
3. Assignments on developing Writing Skills - Summary, Letter, Paragraph, Essay, Speech. (Bengali Version)
4. Assignment on developing Speaking Skills - Oral Presentations, Debate, Elocution, Discussion, Brain-storming. (Bengali & English Version)
5. Assignment on Developing Listening Skills - Listening to speech, direction. (Bengali & English Version)
1. Individual Seminar Presentation.
2. Assignment Submission.
1. Divide the class in small group and provide different kinds of texts and instruct them to read and reflect according to the nature of text. (Bengali & English Version)
2. Design vocabulary games to enhance your vocabulary. (Bengali Version)
3. Reading and comprehension exercises. (Bengali & English Version)
4. Skim through the text and give suitable title to the text. (Bengali & English Version)
5. Read the Text and Provide a Five Words Summary to Each Paragraph. (English Version)